Patients at MidHudson Regional Hospital experience amazing, life-changing outcomes each and every day.
These are a few of their stories.

Deborah Horan - Wappingers Falls
Wappingers Falls’ Deborah Horan knows the pain of failing knees. Several
years ago, a combination of osteoarthritis and an old tear in
her meniscus had left the once-avid walker with debilitating discomfort
in her left knee. Medications and injections offered little to no
relief, the pain becoming so severe that she eventually needed a cane.
In 2013, Horan’s orthopedic surgeon, David Stamer, MD, recommended a
total knee replacement in order for her to return to the long walks and
bike rides she loved.
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Christine Boehlert - Poughkeepsie
On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in July, Christine Boehlert of
Poughkeepsie was playing golf in a local women’s league. Riding in the
cart to the next hole, she felt a mosquito bite her above the right
ankle. She slapped at the pesky bug and then proceeded to complete her
round. She forgot about the incident for a week or so, until she noticed
the bite wasn’t healing properly.
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Helen Cerreta - Wappingers Falls
When Helen Cerretabegan feeling pain in her back and neck, she assumed she had just slept the wrong way. She tried everything from hot and cold compresses to physical therapy and nothing helped to reduce the pain she was feeling. Two years later, in the summer of 2016, Helen went to see a doctor about numbness and weakness in her right hand and pain that stretched from her neck to her elbow.
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Peggy Norton - Hyde Park
Peggy Norton retired at age 60 in perfect health. The follow spring, she received an unexpected medical diagnosis. After suffering from digestive issues and and symptoms of jaundice, blood tests and an ultrasound revealed a mass in her pancreas. It was concluded that Peggy had pancreatic cancer- a form of cancer that is particularly dangerous and can often spread quickly to other parts of the body.
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Charles* - Hopewell Junction
Charles was making his way home from a friend's house when he lost control of his skateboard mid coast down a steep hill. When he collided with on coming traffic, he was immediately taken to MidHudson Regional's Level II trauma center. Chris suffered severe spinal cord damage and surgery was performed to prevent his situation from getting any worse.
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James Davey - Gallatin
James Davey, a Department of Environmental Conservation Officer, was making rounds with his partner just days after Thanksgiving when he spotted a truck parked in an empty cornfield. Davey suspected there were men inside the truck hunting for deer and decided to check in on the vehicle towards the end of his shift that evening. Around 5pm, he began making his way toward the cornfield through the now dense fog and rain. Before he knew it, a shot rang out and Davey fell to the ground.
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Christopher Gilbert - Red Hook
While on a construction site with his crew, Christopher Gilbert, a builder from Red Hook, began showing strange symptoms. His co-workers asked for his cell phone to call 911, but Gilbert could not understand why everyone was acting so strange. He tried to tell people he was fine, which came out as gibberish, and continued losing control of his ability to talk and walk by the time an ambulance showed up to take him to MidHudson Regional.
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Antoinette Anzalone - Hudson Valley
Antoinette Anzalone knew she had a family history of diabetes, herself included. One day, she noticed an ulcer on her toe and went straight to the ER to have it checked out. Various tests and treatments were performed, but none of them seemed to help the worsening toe. After ten days of treatments, a podiatrist concluded that Antoinette had vascular disease and a diabetic foot infection with gangrene of her toe.
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Falicia Chance - New York
Falicia Chance was always aware she might get breast cancer one day and was vigilant about doing self-exams. With a known family history of breast cancer, Chance thought she was mentally prepared should she ever find a lump in her breast. However, in January of 2012, Chance found what she hoped she never would- a marble sized, painless, but malignant lump.
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Melissa Wright - Kingston
39-year-old Melissa Wright receives injections of botulinum toxin, or botox, for reasons you may not expect. Wright suffers from dystonia, a neurological condition of excessive muscle spasms and involuntary movement in her neck and back. In order to control her spasms, a neurologist at MidHudson Regional uses botox to relax and weaken her overactive muscles.
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Donna Reyer
As a local reporter for Cablevision news, Donna Reyer was tasked with covering a story on the da Vinci surgical system. This machine is one of many that allows medical personnel to perform minimally invasive procedures robotically. Reyer was impressed with the technology as well as Dr. Cornelius Verhoest's knowledge and expertise. Although she remarked that if she ever needed surgery, she knew who she'd want to do it, she never knew thought that would ever happen.
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